Monday, December 15, 2008

The Faithful

Sometimes, I need reminders to pray for my persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. When I pop a certain Steve Green CD into the player, I often here the song, "The Faithful". I find it helps me picture their plight and through out the day I'll be singing it.

The Faithful

"In dark, filthy places, forsaken, forgotten, our brothers and sisters are paying a price.
They will not deny Him to purchase their freedom. For these are the faithful, the martyrs for Christ.

Twisted and broken abandoned and beaten, their bodies confined in unseen sacrifice. But deep in their spirits they know perfect freedom. For they are the ones who've been set free by Christ.

From under the altar the voices are crying: How long, Lord, till you come judge the earth? But He'll wrap and redeem them in robes of pure white. For the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. Oh, the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.

Deafening silence, the faithful refusal to doubt or deny in the presence of man. They lived by His promise before His own Father that in His kingdom He'll not deny them. (Chorus)"

Words and music by Michael Card and Phil Naish

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