Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day of Prayer in Pakistan

A day of prayer has been called for Pakistan on July 26, 2009. More than 316 Pakistani pastors have agreed to pray for persecuted believers. There is also a petition out aimed at repealing the blasphemy laws that have lead to the arrests of many Christians.

Please pray for Christian believers in Pakistan. In recent weeks, the persecution has intensified greatly.

Here is just one example:

"On June 26, more than 150 Muslim extremists attacked more than 150 Christian families, poured kerosene on a believer and tried to burn her, burned 16 homes, damaged 60, two donkey carts and destroyed 25 electricity meters, in Kasur, Pakistan." (Quote taken from here)

So, join in prayer our Christian brother and sisters in Christ for the Persecuted in Pakistan. Pray that many Muslims will come to know Jesus and His love for them.

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